30 June, 2009


Who needs Billy Mays when you have crazy Chileans who pitch "How to Learn English" books while on the micro? I'm telling you, this guy was good. He had two buyers after a couple minutes. Afterwards, I was graced with another guitar playing singer. Oh how I do love the micros. Speaking of which, there's supposed to be a strike tomorrow involving the transportation system. My professor doesn't know just how many micros and collectivos will be involved, but it may result in classes being cancelled (again) since it's our main way of getting around. Fun stuff.

Sunday morning I woke up and laid in bed till about noon. Then I hopped in the shower (it was much bigger than my one in Viña) and had a nice, hot shower. After, the bathroom wasn't extremely steam-filled and I had a completely dry towel (though it was one of those kid towels with a hole in it for their head). What a great start to the day. Unfortunately, the day itself wasn't that great, weather-wise at least. It rained for most of the day, and when it wasn't raining it was cold and cloudy.

After a great breakfast of hot chocolate and some bread and cheese, we headed to Gisena's parents house for lunch. We had another huge meal and I had some really good meat. I didn't mention yesterday that not only did I have access to a cafe, but her dad is a butcher so I had great fresh meat every day. After eating my parents took little Nico and I for a drive to Zapallar. Oh Zapallar, how I love thee so...

This beach town was unlike any I've ever seen before. It was large mountains with a few houses up the sides overlooking the coast, covered with forests of green trees like the west side of Washington. Add in the fact that it was a small and fairly private beach town with beautiful houses and nice restaurants right along the beach, and I think I figured out my retirement plan. If I could afford it, I would definitely buy a house here. Such a beautiful place. I made sure to take lots of pictures and posted them on my facebook in case you want to check it out. http://www.facebook.com/matthewluttrell

While we were on our way there, Nico suddenly said "No quiero ir, prefiero ir a casa" (I don't want to go, I prefer to go home). It was the cutest thing and although we didn't listen to his request, he did end up getting a small ceramic tortuga del mar (sea turtle) out of it. After leaving the main beach, Rodrigo drove us to a lookout point on a cliff overlooking the ocean and told me that when my girlfriend comes and visits with me during the summer, I'll have to bring her there because it's really romantic. Ha, oh Rodrigo, always looking out for me =)

Next, we headed back to Gisena's parents house and I got to watch part of one of the greatest movies ever, Corazón Valiente (for all you gringos out there, corazón = heart, and valiente = well, I'll let you figure it out). Afterwards, I started to fade and got a little overwhelmed with all of the speaking going on around me. It was really hard to speak yet alone listen to what anyone was saying to me due to exhaustion from lack of sleep and continuous use of my Spanish brain. This was the longest I've ever gone without having any English in my life and it really is a lot of work to translate and think for that long. I managed to play a few card games with my sister, her boyfriend, and his sister until Rodrigo came to get us to take us to the cafe. Thankfully, he let me head straight to bed and I slept so wonderfully.

Another day of discovering beautiful beaches, eating great food, and being completely dazed by the conversations going on around me. Thankfully, the nearly 12 hours of sleep I got helped me for the next day.

And I leave you with that until next time. Chao mis amigos (if anyone even reads this).