18 June, 2009

I'm Getting A Cold

I'm getting a cold, or at least that's what my family thinks. They sent the kids out tonight to get me some medicine to take at night and in the morning. They think it's because I'm getting accustomed to the weather. I think it's because my body misses the 90 degree weather I had at home...ha. But seriously, they're right about my body having to adjust. It's a big difference going from 90 degrees in a very dry city to 50 degrees in a very humid city, so it's to be expected that my nose would act up. I love how they get stuff for me before I even realize I may need it.

Day 2 of bad professor went much better. I could actually comprehend what he was saying today, and he was a lot nicer and accepted our opionions as that and then offered any corrections if necessary rather than just say we were wrong. Although I still think the class will be hard, I dont think it will be because of a bad professor.

I still love my other professor. Today he went over words and expressions only used in Chile, including a very bad word that is used in more ways than any word he knows. It's used positively to greet friends, negatively towards enemies, as a verb, a noun, an adjective, and it's used so much that it's even included in their dictionaries. It was really funny to hear him explain it, and then he had us ask him about any words we've heard so far. It was really cool because after explaining a unique way in which they use the vosotros informal you form, and then the absence of S's in many words, I heard my host family use the same form tonight and I totally understood how them saying "I am" really meant "you are". Ha, I guess you probably have to speak Spanish to know what I'm talking about...

After class, I came home and Gabriela reheated some lunch for me. I'm still getting used to the gender roles here and how I have to let others do everything for me. I did however carry my plates over to the sink when she wasn't around =) haha! I talked with her a bit too and found out her pololo (boyfriend [I found out that novio is only used when you're engaged to someone, so now I say I have a polola named Alyssa]) of a year and four months is coming to visit this weekend. He lives in Santiago about an hour and a half away and they see each other about two or three times a month, I'm not sure exactly. It'll be cool to finally meet this talked about guy.

We had a meeting today between my two classes and I found out that we're all going to the vineyards of Casablanca this weekend. We'll have a tour, learn about different wines, and then have lunch. The wines are very well known throughout the world so it'll be pretty cool to visit there.

Tomorrow, my fellow classmate David and I are possibly going to go explore the city together after class. We both have the same classes and we get done by 3:30 so I was like, hey why don't we go explore this sweet place? I'm pretty excited for that.

Finally, Rodrigo just asked me if I play a game en los estados unidos (US) where it says something and you write down a word that starts with a certain letter for each one, and I was like "Oh yeah, Scattergories!!! I like that one!" He said the family will all be playing it tomorrow to practice our Spanish and such since they don't have work on Saturday. I'm so stoked, little do they know that I'm a certified pro at this game...haha, I'm going to get rocked in Spanish though. Oh well, it'll be fun nonetheless (I always feel weird writing that word, it just doesn't look right, but it looks worse spaced out)! Well I think my medicine is starting to kick in. Have a wonderful time getting tan and such.
