I was told yesterday by Alyssa that even she doesn't read my blog. It makes it difficult for me to want to write when my own girlfriend wont even read it. I guess I'm just that boring.
So, my boring news for yesterday:
-Claudio finally gave me my book, which was supposed to be given on Monday
-I am sick of sandwiches for lunch
-Actually, I'm sick of bread in general. It's all we ever have for dinner, bread. Breadbreadbreadbreadbread. I want dinner
-Carlos talked about the coup that took down Allende and then showed some clips from a documentary of the dictatorship of Pinochet. It was some really crazy stuff, I'd share the youtube link with you but it's a little intense so if you're interested I'll let you search on your own
-I came home and had some soup for lunch, which I think later gave me a really upset stomach that didn't go away until I woke up this morning
-I got to Skype with Alyssa for a while, very nice
-I also got to watch one of my favorite movies in Spanish, Matchstick Men (best Nicholas Cage movie ever, or maybe only good Nicholas Cage movie?)
-I had to read about 50 pages of a Spanish novel, not fun
-I went to sleep
Today, I had another day full of boring news, even less productive then yesterday though.
I'm lettering these ones:
A. Woke up
B. Showered
C. Had to go to the University early to meet with Claudio
D. Had an awkward meeting that I didnt really know what I was supposed to do, but I now know what my topic will be for my essay
E. Only one more real class day for his class, I'm stoked
F. Had a meeting about our excursion tomorrow and Friday
G. We're headed to the mountains, it's going to be snowy and cold, we'll eat, go ziplining I think?, go to another winery (I'm not looking forward to hearing about wines again, definitely not my thing), hike a couple hours to a waterfall, come home
H. Carlos had us talk about Machuca, you should watch it if you like funny/serious movies about Chile during the early 1970's
I. Came home on the micro, it was probably one of the best rides yet. The bus even had arm rests, and we only made a few stops the entire time. Made it home within twenty minutes or so, definitely a new record
J. My record for most number of cats before ever seeing a dog is 5, this happened a few weeks ago
K. Dogs may rule the streets by day, but cats reign supreme at night and early morning, I found this out last Saturday
L. I thought I would get home in time to Skype with Alyssa, but she didnt have time to
M. I then wasted the next 6 hours watching movies and resting in my room
N. Rodrigo bought him and I empanadas (Gabriela is in Papudo for a while, and the other two were at some meditation class or something)
O. I wont forget to take a picture of them mom, it's just awkward to say at dinner, "Hey, all of you stand up right now and get really close together so I can take a picture"
P. After eating, I went back to my room and wasted more time
Q. I should've been reading the past couple hours
R. I should read now
S. I should actually sleep now since I need to leave here at 8:30 tomorrow morning
T. Another foreign exchange student is going to be staying here for the next semester and she's arriving the morning I leave here
U. I don't know what she's going to do when my family takes me to the airport though since their car only has five seats and she wont want to go back to the airport after just getting here
V. I probably wont update this again until Saturday or Sunday
W. I dont want to write my essay this weekend
X. I dont want to do any more work, I'm too lazy
Y. I'm not going to do z, so chao